At Stepworks Recovery Centers, we realize there is more than one way to approach addiction treatment. The steps on your personal recovery journey might look very different than someone else’s. We strive to offer a variety of programs that allow us to provide individualized treatment tailored to your exact needs. You might be a good candidate for our intensive outpatient program (IOP) and sober living housing program.
IOP Addiction Treatment and Sober Living can help you thrive as you to start rebuilding your personal life and mending your important family ties.
How can Sober Living help my recovery?
Sober Living operates as a bridge between residential treatment and the “real” world. It allows clients to apply what they’ve learned in treatment to the routines and challenges of everyday life. These programs give you more freedom as you make the positive changes you need for a better future.
Why does Sober Living require IOP?
Our Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) is an important component of the Sober Living program. IOP is often recommended for those who do not need a medically supervised detox, or have completed detox and still need a part-time intensive therapy schedule that accommodates work and family commitments. Talking through the thoughts, emotions, and challenges of living in recovery can be a key factor in maintaining sobriety, which is why participation in IOP is mandatory for all Sober Living clients.
What does IOP include?
The Intensive Outpatient program consists of group therapy sessions three times per week for four weeks. In addition, clients participate in a weekly individual therapy session. Our therapists work with clients on many issues related to relapse prevention and disease management.
What makes Stepworks IOP and Sober Living successful?
At Stepworks we believe there is a magic element to our programming—our people. The treatment team for Stepworks IOP has some of the most skilled therapists and medical professionals you will meet. Our Sober Living staff excels in providing support and accountability.
”In October of 2017 I began a career that would have incredible impact on my life. I am in recovery myself and the thing that I try hardest to give our clients is HOPE. I want them to see that with hard work and a dedicated drive, recovery is possible.
TJ ConradSober Living Manager
TJ Conrad is the face that encourages people as they find solid ground in our Sober Living and Intensive Outpatient treatment programs. Everyday TJ is there to encourage our clients and point them towards the hope they are looking for. He’s waiting to help you too.