Stepworks Recovery Centers provides medication-assisted treatment (MAT) outpatient services for people who have received some addiction treatment and are working to achieve long-term recovery. This program offers a full continuum of care to help maintain and strengthen recovery for our clients, including but not limited to clients who have graduated from our 30-day residential program for substance use disorders.
Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) Program
(800) 545-9031

What is medication-assisted treatment?
Medication-assisted treatment uses approved medications to aid clients in the overcoming of cravings and withdrawal effects while they participate in a program of recovery from drug or alcohol addiction. Our physicians can prescribe the most effective MAT medications, including the following: buprenorphine/naloxone, also known as Suboxone; long-acting buprenorphine injection for opioid use disorder; and Vivitrol. The other key component of MAT is counseling services for addiction. In order to receive MAT, clients must be enrolled in counseling services.
Counseling Services
Therapeutic counseling is the second component of our MAT program. Talking through the thoughts, emotions, and challenges of living in recovery is a crucial factor in maintaining sobriety. We counsel clients in useful techniques and provide guidance in relapse prevention and disease management. We understand that you or your loved one may have busy lives, so we offer flexible appointment schedules, Monday through Friday. Appointments can be scheduled for morning or late afternoon/evening hours.
Get in Touch
Currently, our MAT program is only provided at our Intensive Health office in Elizabethtown, KY. If you’re curious about the use of common MAT medications in our inpatient rehab program, please see our 30-Day Residential Treatment page.
Call our office to discuss your treatment needs and schedule your initial medical evaluation. Consultations are performed with a medical professional trained in addiction medicine.
Intensive Health
Phone: 270-765-5900
Address: 201 Peterson Dr., Elizabethtown, KY 42701